• CS – Post Test

    Please complete the post test and email your responses to me for feedback.  This is a “formative” quiz and all you are required to do to pass will be to complete the module and submit your answers.​ mburnett@hsc.mb.ca List three reasons why a lower segment uterine incision is generally preferable to…

  • CS – Additional Videos / Resources

    Lower Segment Cesarean Section Difficult Cesarean Section Incision Choice in Obese Patients Sharing In Health – C-Section http://www.sharinginhealth.org/procedures_surgery/caesarean_section.html Next Section

  • CS – Closure

    Grasp bleeders with Green Armitage clamps, identify uterine angles​ and apply clamps Retract the bladder Examine the placental site for retained products Pack colonic gutters with moist packs as needed​ Exteriorize the uterus if incision is bleeding or if better visualization needed (inform anesthetist as this may induce hypotension)​ Observe for…

  • CS – Abdominal Entry

    Three Options for Abdominal Entry Pfannensteil or suprapubic transverse incision (the most commonly performed), The lower abdominal or subumbilical midline incision (performed when maximal exposure is required) Supraumbilical transverse incision (an option in the morbidly obese patient). It is best to decide on your abdominal approach before the patient is prepped and draped.  Observe the…

  • Definition, Risk Factors, Etiologies

    Definition >500ml of blood loss for a vaginal delivery, >1000ml for cesarean​ Postpartum hemorrhage is defined as blood loss greater than 500ml for a vaginal delivery and >1000ml in a cesarean section.  As we know, under estimates are common.  Measurement of vital signs is important but keep in mind that…

  • C-Section 101

    Learning Objectives Perform a basic cesarean delivery​ Choose from available options for abdominal entry and uterine incision​ Anticipate 3 commonly encountered problems ​ Obese patient​ Head wedged in pelvis​ High floating head​ Strategize solutions to address common difficulties​ Topics Abdominal Entry Uterine Incision Delivery of the Head Delivery of the Infant Delivery…