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Objectives, Risk Factors, Indications

Dr. Margaret Burnett

Learning Objectives

  1. Recognize risk factors for classical uterine incision
  2. Mentally prepare with confidence
  3. Anticipate the differences in technique between LSCS and Classical CS
  4. Troubleshoot pitfalls encountered Classical CS

Our objective is to give you the basics of performing a classic cesarean section. By the end of the module you will understand the steps for a basic cesarean delivery, choose from available options for abdominal entry and uterine incision, anticipate commonly encountered problems such as cesarean section for the obese patient, how to deliver the baby’s head if it is wedged in the pelvis and how to deliver a baby that is high and floating. You will also have some tools in your armoury to deal with these commonly encountered problems.

Risk Factors for Classical Cesarean

  • Premature labour
  • Non-cephalic presentation
  • Uterine anomaly
  • Contracted pelvis

Indications for Classical Cesarean

  • Inadequate lower segment
  • Need more room for manipulation
  • Uterus clamped down on fetus, unable to deliver through lower segment
  • (Crash section: classical thought to be faster and easier than LSCS)
Updated on June 24, 2022
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